Habena we Ethabena (حبينا واتحبينا)

Mayada El Hennawy (ميادة الحناوي)- Habena we Ethabena (حبينا واتحبينا) —VJ1I @mayadaelhennawi

Seek Assistance Through PATIENCE & PRAYER / The Essential Power Of Prayer [excerpt: The Believer is Tried / Prayer]

Student National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad)- Seek Assistance Through PATIENCE & PRAYER / The Essential Power Of Prayer [excerpt: The Believer is Tried / Prayer] —VJ1I @minishmael

Seek Assistance Through PATIENCE & PRAYER [excerpt: Patience]

Student National Assistant to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (Student Min. Ishmael Muhammad)- Seek Assistance Through PATIENCE & PRAYER [excerpt: Patience] —VJ1I @minishmael

The Law Of God (2) [excerpt: Science]

Student National Spokesperson to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (Dr. Ava Muhammad)- The Law Of God (2) [excerpt: Science] In Memory of the National Spokesperson of The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation Of